Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Is Warming Up All Over

As the snow melts and the tulips start to sprout, it creates the ideal time to reflect about the merits of learning peacemaking skills at any stage of life. What if there was a peacemaker module taught in elementary school- Just an Hour or two each year?
I find, in practice, the tools are so much easier for young ones to pick up and assimilate than it is for the older folks.
Last week, a young boy came into my office, looked at the diagram on the whiteboard and asked "Who is that for?" I replied: "a few grown ups are learning a few things." He rolled his eyes and said "Well, we covered that a long time ago... Do you want me to talk to them for you?"
Now, that's an idea...

Monday, March 8, 2010

It's Time for Rediscovering Our Senses of Humor and Perspective

Beautiful! Joyful faces  of little foxes who are living in the moment and just rolling in the experience... Whatever comes, just keeping rolling with the experience and avoid vexatious people as much as possible... including tangling with them... It is like a giant mobile suspended over a baby's crib- when we move one of those little lambies, they all must move... It's just physics... Thank you for the photo, Paul Berman.