Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Image of a Beautiful Scottish Castle Captured by Amelia Hallsworth Photography of London- Draw a Breath of Contemplative Beauty! Marcus Aurelius Might Have Loved This

This morning bodes has a fresh snap in the air! Even though the sun is not up yet, I can see signs that autumn is forging ahead. What is it about autumn that enchants me? I love to witness the changing of the season. It's like fast-speed photography.
Change. Why do we resist it so? It is a constant. When we experience beautiful moments, we wish that they would last forever. It is lyrical, exquisite and breathtaking... We hold our breath and try to hold on tightly to the moment and keep it here! When we are in the midst of anguish or despair, we hold our breath and shut our eyes tightly... just... trying... to ... get... through... it. I visualize it as being much like a long march to Moscow, in the snow... with no boots. March, march, march...
The secret to finding more peacefulness with both of these sets of experiences is to keep breathing and try to stay fully present in the here and now... even though it sometimes means staying with the unpleasantness, the sense of foreboding, the crush of disappointment. Change will work its magic, in any situation.   I am reading Meditations, by Marcus Aurelius, who understood this, back in 100 A.D. His journals began when he was a teenager and continued through his life. If you have not read this book, newly translated (in 2002) with an introduction by Gregory Hays, I would invite you to do so. Good morning!